Truglo Red Dt Mnt Shotgun Rib Rmr


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From target archery and crossbow hunting to carry pistols and tactical competition, TruGlo has accessories to improve your gear.

Features :

  • Designed to mount a dot-optic to shotgun ventilated rib
  • Fits 0.236 in. (6mm) to 0.395 in. (10mm) ventilated ribs width
  • Optic stays with the barrel and maintains zero when changing barrels for different seasons
  • Mounting hardware and tools included
  • Rigid two-clamp mounting system
  • Allows optic to sit low on the rib
This Applies to any variation of Large Rifle Primers ordered. Unlimited usage of coupon. Only valid on in stock Fiocchi large rifle Primers.  
Value of Coupon is based on the sale price of the Fiocchi large rifle primer. Only Fiocchi large rifle primers.