Ati Night Sight For Glk Lrg Frame



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American Tactical is a worldwide importer and US based manufacturer of firearms, ammunition, and accessories. ATI is proud to introduce a new line of Tritium night sights for Glock pistols. These sights feature White Rings around Green Lamps. These are made in the USA and include a 10-year Tritium warranty.

Features :

  • Tritium front & rear sight system
  • Metal front and rear bases
  • Superior target acquisition in all light conditions
  • Utilizes quality Swiss Tritium for maximum brightness
This Applies to any variation of Large Rifle Primers ordered. Unlimited usage of coupon. Only valid on in stock Fiocchi large rifle Primers.  
Value of Coupon is based on the sale price of the Fiocchi large rifle primer. Only Fiocchi large rifle primers.