Lantac M-spec Bcg 762 Nitride Blk


SKU RPLLAN01-MSPEC-762-NITBCG Categories ,

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Not every customer has the requirement or budget for a fully enhanced, top of the line AR15 accessory. Many users simply need a quality milspec component supplied at a sensible price. M-SPEC is a range of AR15 accessories and components that follow the military specification in dimensions, tolerances and materials with the addition of a few upgrades and enhancements to raise the performance standard of the product above the milspec rating, while retaining the same economical price point as traditionally offered by other providers.

Features :

  • 8620 Carrier, Heat Treated, Hard Turned & Ground
  • MPI Carpenter 158 or 9310 Bolt, Shot Peened, Hard Turned/Ground
  • Lifetime Warranty
  • Made in the USA.
This Applies to any variation of Large Rifle Primers ordered. Unlimited usage of coupon. Only valid on in stock Fiocchi large rifle Primers.  
Value of Coupon is based on the sale price of the Fiocchi large rifle primer. Only Fiocchi large rifle primers.